Sunday Morning Worship Info!

Sunday Morning Worship Info!

We are meeting in person and online to glorify Christ together at 9:30AM Sunday mornings! If you are a first time guest, let us know you are coming at We want to make sure we welcome you when you arrive for worship!

We love children in worship! We have nursery care for ages 0-4 and a Kid's Activity Table and bags for older children. Our Prayer Room off of the balcany has been set up for nursing mothers or a quiet place that parent can sit with their children and still hear the service.

You may also join us online at
Please contact the church office for updates on group gatherings.

Christ's Peace,
Pastors Laura and Keith

Sunday, November 12, 2023

The Advent and Christmas Season Are Coming!

The Advent and Christmas Season will be upon us soon!  Here are some things you should know-

Special Music: During Advent and the Christmas season, we sing some of our favorite songs and hymns.  We are looking for any interested singers or musicians who would like to share their musical talents with the congregation.  This could look like special music on one of the Sundays of Advent or an ensemble on Christmas Eve.  Reach out to Keith and Laura and let’s see what we can put together!

Mark Your Calendars:

Wednesday, Nov 29, 6PM Hanging of the Greens-Come help decorate the sanctuary to prepare for Advent and enjoy a potluck dinner!  Bring a snack or side dish to share.  The Hudsons will bring chili.

Sunday, Dec 10-The Alleluia Bells will be playing in worship.

Sunday, Dec 17-The children, youth, and young at heart are invited to participate in the Spontaneous Christmas pageant during worship. The Star Man will join us after the service to hand out this year’s stars.

Sunday, Dec 24-Join us at First Christian Church at 10AM to celebrate and Ecumenical Fourth Sunday of Advent

Sunday, Dec 24-Our First Pres. Christmas Eve service will be at 6PM with lots of singing and scripture to celebrate the birth of Christ.  We will have communion and close with candlelight. Invite a friend!

Sunday, Dec 31-Hymn Sing during worship.

Personal Advent Devotionals will be available in the back of the sanctuary starting Nov 19.  This year’s devotional is titled “The Light of Grace” by Michael Hoy.

Keith will be taking a break from leading Paul: A Biography over Advent.  Our Advent study is with “Light of the World” by Amy-Jill Levine.  In-Person Gatherings will be at 1PM on Dec 5, 12, 19, and Jan 2nd.  Let him know if you will be joining him, and he will get you the book.

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