Sunday Morning Worship Info!

Sunday Morning Worship Info!

We are meeting in person and online to glorify Christ together at 9:30AM Sunday mornings! If you are a first time guest, let us know you are coming at We want to make sure we welcome you when you arrive for worship!

We love children in worship! We have nursery care for ages 0-4 and a Kid's Activity Table and bags for older children. Our Prayer Room off of the balcany has been set up for nursing mothers or a quiet place that parent can sit with their children and still hear the service.

You may also join us online at
Please contact the church office for updates on group gatherings.

Christ's Peace,
Pastors Laura and Keith

Thursday, February 6, 2025

FPC Worship Info 2.9.25

 Greetings in the name of our Risen Lord Jesus Christ!  

Join us for worship online or in person this Sunday, February 9, at 9:30AM Pacific Time.  

Pastor Keith's message, Authority, Faith, and Compassion, is based on Luke 7:1-17.  You are invited to read and mediate on the scripture beforehand.  We will also celebrate communion.  Those who are at home are welcome to have their bread and juice/wine available to partake when we partake in person.

For those joining us in person, we have masks available for your use if you wish to use one.

You can connect online at Online Worship to watch the service live and you can use that same link to access a recording of the worship service anytime.  

We invite you to add your name to our Virtual Guest Book to help us know who is watching, take prayer requests, and connect with you if you wish.  The link to the Guest Book is Virtual Guest Book.

Bulletin Info is FPC Worship Bulletin 2.9.25

Keith and Laura

Friday, January 31, 2025

FPC Worship Info 2.2.25 Scout Sunday

 Greetings in the name of our Risen Lord Jesus Christ!  

Join us for worship online or in person this Sunday, February 2, at 9:30AM Pacific Time.  It is Scout Sunday!  Scouts from Troop 514 will be leading the service and providing music.  Don't forget that they will be serving pancakes at the Friendship Center from 8AM-11:30AM.

Pastor Laura's sermon, Kind and Obedient,  is inspired by Luke 6:1-11.  You are invited to read and mediate on the scripture beforehand.  

For those joining us in person, we have masks available for your use if you wish to use one.

You can connect online at Online Worship to watch the service live and you can use that same link to access a recording of the worship service anytime.  

We invite you to add your name to our Virtual Guest Book to help us know who is watching, take prayer requests, and connect with you if you wish.  The link to the Guest Book is Virtual Guest Book.

Bulletin Info is FPC Worship Bulletin 2.2.25

Laura and Keith


Looking ahead:

The Frozen Chosen meets at 6PM in the Friendship Center.  We will not meet Feb 9.

Community Fellowship Night dinners are postponed.

Centering Prayer meets every Monday from Noon-1PM in the Parlor.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Community Fellowship Night Update

 Over the weekend, the dishwasher in the Friendship Center had a malfunction.  The Hobart repair technicians will be here next week.  We don't know exactly how long the dishwasher will be out of commission until they have a chance to look at it.  We have decided to hold off starting Community Fellowship Night dinners until we have that information.

This means the dinners will not start as scheduled on February 5.  We will get the word out after the technicians look at the dishwasher to see when we might start back up.  Stay tuned!

Friday, January 24, 2025

FPC Worship Info 1.26.25

 Greetings in the name of our Risen Lord Jesus Christ!  

Join us for worship online or in person this Sunday, January 26, at 9:30AM Pacific Time.  

Pastor Keith's sermon, Following the Light,  is inspired by Luke 5:1-11.  You are invited to read and mediate on the scripture beforehand.  

For those joining us in person, we have masks available for your use if you wish to use one.

You can connect online at Online Worship to watch the service live and you can use that same link to access a recording of the worship service anytime.  

We invite you to add your name to our Virtual Guest Book to help us know who is watching, take prayer requests, and connect with you if you wish.  The link to the Guest Book is Virtual Guest Book.

Keith and Laura

Looking ahead...

The Frozen Chosen  at 6:00pm today in the PFC. 

Community Fellowship Dinners will resume on February 5th, 6:00 pm

Scout Sunday February 2nd

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Coming up in the life of the church...

 We wanted to share with you an update on events in the life of the church that are ongoing or will be coming up!

-The Women's Gathering meets Saturday mornings at 10AM in the church parlor.  Connect with other women of the church over a devotional reading and sharing life stories. 

-The Men's Group will meet Wednesday evenings in the parlor starting Feb 5th to begin discussion of The Other Half of Church.  They gather after Community Fellowship Night Dinners.  

-Evening Prayer is happening Tuesday, January 28th at 7PM in the sanctuary.  Join us for scripture reading, singing, silence, and communion.

-Scout Sunday is happening Feb 2 this year.  Join us in worship as the Scouts lead prayers and music.  They are also doing a pancake and sausage fundraiser in the Friendship Center starting at 8AM and ending at 11:30AM that morning.

-Community Fellowship Night Dinners kick off Wednesday, February 5 in the Friendship Center at 6PM.  Come join the church and larger community for dinner prepared by Chef Merlyn.  Dinners run every Wednesday through March 19.

-Growing Through Grief Support Group will run on Tuesdays at 6-8 PM from Feb. 18-April 15. There are still a few spaces open in the upcoming group for anyone who could use some support as you grieve the death of a loved one. Registration is required. Please call 541-963-5114 and leave a message with Donna if you are interested. 

Questions?  Shoot an email to or call the church office.