We wanted to share with you an update on events in the life of the church that are ongoing or will be coming up!
-The Women's Gathering meets Saturday mornings at 10AM in the church parlor. Connect with other women of the church over a devotional reading and sharing life stories.
Men's Group will meet Wednesday evenings in the parlor starting Feb 5th to begin discussion of
The Other Half of Church. They gather after Community Fellowship Night Dinners.
-Evening Prayer is happening Tuesday, January 28th at 7PM in the sanctuary. Join us for scripture reading, singing, silence, and communion.
-Scout Sunday is happening Feb 2 this year. Join us in worship as the Scouts lead prayers and music. They are also doing a pancake and sausage fundraiser in the Friendship Center starting at 8AM and ending at 11:30AM that morning.
-Community Fellowship Night Dinners kick off Wednesday, February 5 in the Friendship Center at 6PM. Come join the church and larger community for dinner prepared by Chef Merlyn. Dinners run every Wednesday through March 19.
-Growing Through Grief Support Group will run on Tuesdays at 6-8 PM from Feb. 18-April 15. There are still a few spaces open in the upcoming group for anyone who could use some support as you grieve the death of a loved one. Registration is required. Please call 541-963-5114 and leave a message with Donna if you are interested.
Questions? Shoot an email to pastorshudson@gmail.com or call the church office.