Sunday Morning Worship Info!

Sunday Morning Worship Info!

We are meeting in person and online to glorify Christ together at 9:30AM Sunday mornings! If you are a first time guest, let us know you are coming at We want to make sure we welcome you when you arrive for worship!

We love children in worship! We have nursery care for ages 0-4 and a Kid's Activity Table and bags for older children. Our Prayer Room off of the balcany has been set up for nursing mothers or a quiet place that parent can sit with their children and still hear the service.

You may also join us online at
Please contact the church office for updates on group gatherings.

Christ's Peace,
Pastors Laura and Keith

Friday, August 2, 2024

FPC Worship Info 8.4.24

 Greetings in the name of our Risen Lord Jesus Christ!  

Join us for worship online or in person this Sunday, August 4, at 9:30AM Pacific Time.  This Sunday's in-person worship will be held at the Presbyterian Friendship Center, across Spring Ave from the church building to enjoy the air conditioning on a hot day! 

We begin our sermon series on the Book of Daniel.  Pastor Laura's message, Four in the Fire, is inspired from Daniel 3:1-30.  You are invited to read and mediate on the scripture beforehand.  

Following worship, enjoy a short presentation from Teagan Null as she speaks about her experience traveling to Cuba last May with the Cuban American Youth Orchestra program. There will also be a short video/slide show.

For those joining us in person, we have masks available for your use if you wish to use one.

You can connect online at Online Worship to watch the service live and you can use that same link to access a recording of the worship service anytime.  

We invite you to add your name to our Virtual Guest Book to help us know who is watching, take prayer requests, and connect with you if you wish.  The link to the G
uest Book is Virtual Guest Book.

Bulletin Info is FPC Worship Bulletin 8.4.24

Keith and Laura


Our Church Family picnic scheduled for Aug 7 has been rescheduled for Sept 4, 6PM Riverside Park

Worship in the Woods followed by potluck, August 18, 10AM, Westminster Woods near Emigrant Springs.  

August Friday Backpack food drive! 15-16 oz (plastic jars only)peanut butter, 15 oz beef stew or chicken and noodles, instant oatmeal, granola bars (no loose packets, boxes only), boxes of Mac and Cheese (no fancy shapes please, they tend to have lower ounces per box)

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