Sunday Morning Worship Info!

Sunday Morning Worship Info!

We are meeting in person and online to glorify Christ together at 9:30AM Sunday mornings! If you are a first time guest, let us know you are coming at We want to make sure we welcome you when you arrive for worship!

We love children in worship! Our nursery is open, but we do not have a nursery attendant at this time. Parents are invited to listen to the service in the nursery while tending their children.

You may also join us online at
Please contact the church office for updates on group gatherings.

Christ's Peace,
Pastors Laura and Keith

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Music During Lent and Easter

 Dear Friends-

The season of Lent is nearly upon us!  

We invite all those with musical gifts to share them with the congregation during Lent and Easter. 

During Lent, we are looking for vocal or instrumental musical offerings for Sunday worship.  The Sundays of Lent begin on Feb. 18 and go through March 24. 

Easter is March 31. On Easter, we are hoping to gather a choir to learn and share one or two choral pieces, similar to what we did for the Christmas Eve service. 

Let us know of your willingness and your availability!  Email us at or give us a call at 541-963-5114.

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