Sunday Morning Worship Info!

Sunday Morning Worship Info!

We are meeting in person and online to glorify Christ together at 9:30AM Sunday mornings! If you are a first time guest, let us know you are coming at We want to make sure we welcome you when you arrive for worship!

We love children in worship! We have nursery care for ages 0-4 and a Kid's Activity Table and bags for older children. Our Prayer Room off of the balcany has been set up for nursing mothers or a quiet place that parent can sit with their children and still hear the service.

You may also join us online at
Please contact the church office for updates on group gatherings.

Christ's Peace,
Pastors Laura and Keith

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

A Week Full of Events!

 There is a lot happening this week in the life of First Presbyterian Church!

Wednesday, Nov 1
-Community Fellowship Night dinner at 6PM.  The menu this week is Beef Pot Roast, Garden Salad, Dinner Rolls, Steamed Potatoes and Steamed Carrots and Peas.  A hearty dinner for a fall evening!  Please note we are short a couple of volunteers this week, so if you can come help set up at 5PM or help serve, that would be great.  Men's group will not be meeting after dinner, because...

-African Children's Choir 7PM at the La Grande High School auditorium.  Enjoy dinner and then head over to the High School and enjoy some wonderful music.  For more info, please see Their Website.  No cost, just freewill donation.

Friday, Nov 3
-Bring your donations of home canning and baking, produce,  books, and items for Grandma's attic to the Friendship Center from 10AM to 4PM as the La Grande Presbyterian Women set up for the Fall Bazaar.  Questions?  The office can get you in touch with one of the organizers of the event.

Saturday, Nov 4
-Fall Bazaar runs from 9AM to Noon in the Friendship Center.  The Scouts are making donuts this year to raise funds for camp this summer.  $1 per donut!  $10 for a dozen!  Find crafts to give this season or find that special Christmas decoration for your home for the holiday.

Sunday, Nov 5
-Stewardship Commitment Sunday.  By now, you should have received your Estimate of Giving Pledge Card.  If you haven't please let us know and we will get you one, or you can email your estimated pledge for 2024 to Ellen Barton at  Remember, God loves a Cheerful Giver!  Thank you for continue to support the important ministry and mission of First Pres!

-All Saints Remembrance This Sunday we will read the names of those saints who have gone before us who have impacted our lives. For those who will be in worship, you will have an opportunity to write out those names or say them during our Prayer Time. If you won't be with us in person, you can email the names of your spiritual predecessors to and we will collect them for Sunday.

Another way you can honor your family and friends is by making a tribute donation in memory, or in honor, of their life and faith. This is a beautiful way of saying “thank you” to your spiritual predecessors: parents, grandparents, siblings, pastors, Sunday School teachers, seminary professors, youth directors, choir directors, Bible study leaders, chaplains, and dear friends.  Gifts can be directed to the General Fund, Youth Scholarship Fund, or one of the other funds we have at the church.  If you have any questions about where you might give, let us know!

-And Happy Anniversary!  The Hudson's will be providing refreshments after church on Sunday to say thank you for calling us as your pastors 14 years ago!  

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