Sunday Morning Worship Info!

Sunday Morning Worship Info!

We are meeting in person and online to glorify Christ together at 9:30AM Sunday mornings!

We love children in worship! Our nursery is open, but we do not have a nursery attendant at this time. Parents are invited to listen to the service in the nursery while tending their children.

You may also join us online at
Please contact the church office for updates on group gatherings.

Christ's Peace,
Pastors Laura and Keith

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Coronavirus, Church, and You update

Hi, Friends-If you have followed the news, a lot has happened in the last few days because of Coronavirus and the work people are doing to keep it from spreading.  Know that we are monitoring events and will keep you posted on church activities as necessary.  Session is meeting Sunday after church and we will continue to discuss these important topics then.

For now:

We are still having church!  9:30AM.  If you are not feeling well or for whatever reason you need to stay home, please do!  But don't be afraid to worship if you feel up to it.

Passing the Peace.  We are still going to have the Passing of Peace.  Remember to respect the wishes of those who do not want to shake hands or hug.  Do an air hug, cross your arms across our chest and bow, or just say,"Christ's peace be with you," while doing a slight bow.  I read that elbow taps may not be the cleanest thing to do as you are supposed to cough into your elbow!  

Communion.  Communion was scheduled for Sunday, but we have decided not to have it until we have a better plan in place on how to serve the elements in way that is the most hygienic.  We will be prepared for the Holy Week and Easter celebration!

Offering.  We are going to place a collection plate in the back of the sanctuary where the small baptismal font sat by the info table.  You are invited to place your offering in the plate before or after worship where it will then be picked up.  During the Offering, Mary Helen will play and you can meditate on how you can respond to the gifts of God in your life.  We will still sing the Doxology, but the plate will still be available in the back at the end of worship in case you didn't get your offering in at the beginning.

Stay tuned!  Things may change as we move forward and we want to make sure you are informed along the way!

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